At the Regular Meeting on Monday (April 27), Pearland City Council heard a presentation by Patrick Jankowski of the Greater Houston Partnership about the economic outlook for southeast Texas, including Pearland.
Jankowski reported that the next year to 18 months may be tough economically, but the long-term forecast for the next five to 25 years looks positive. He said that even while oil prices have gone down in the past, the region’s economy has remained steady.
In fact, in 2009, when the US was in its worst recession in decades, 40,000 people moved into the area, boosting the local economy. Jankowski predicted that 100,000 more residents will plant roots in the region in the next five years.
The Houston area is second only to New York City in jobs created since 1990.
Council also approved an architectural services contract in the amount of $4.6 million for the City Hall Complex Renovation Project with a vote of 3-1. Councilmembers Scott Sherman, Keith Ordeneaux and Gary Moore voted in favor. Councilmember Tony Carbone voted against. Councilmember Greg Hill was not present.
“I can’t agree to spend $4.6 million to rehab this facility when other infrastructure needs attention,” said Carbone. “We still have ’07 bond issues that voters voted on that are still not complete.”
Ordeneaux spoke up for the other side saying, “The mechanical systems in this facility need help yesterday. We need to move forward with this project to have the space to serve our citizens.”
City Hall and the Community Center are the two buildings that make up the Complex, located at 3519 and 3523 Liberty Dr. These facilities house City departments such as Administration, Community Development, Water Billing and Collections, Finance and Human Resources.
Both City Hall and the Community Center are over 30 years old. Mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, as well as a facility security upgrade of the Community Center and the first floor of City Hall will be part of the planned renovation. There will be an alternate bid option for the second and third floors of City Hall.
For more information about the City Hall Complex Renovation Project, visit